Welcome to American Legion Post 49, South Haven, 6-15-2020. We are open! Below is a message from our Commander Jason Turner that was posted on Facebook.
“The new normal. As we prepare to open next week please know it won’t be exactly as it was before. There are new requirements to limit the number of customers allowed into the Post, seating at social distancing throughout the clubroom, cleaning requirements, and also what our staff can and cannot do. Throughout the entire reopening process remember to treat everyone with respect including our staff. They now have new requirements to wear a mask plus a higher state of cleaning, in addition to all their previous duties. There are new hand sanitizer stations throughout the Post for your use.
Don’t like something under the new normal? It isn’t the staff’s fault. Constructive criticism is always welcome so please see the Club Manager, or one of the officers. Just know oftentimes our hands are tied to new requirements.
If you are feeling sick please stay home. If you do venture out plan to relax, get comfortable with the new normal, and be happy for your first excursions out and about in months!
So, the new normal begins Monday, 15 June. We plan to begin Friday evening dinners and Sunday morning breakfasts; they’ll just be a bit different. The King of Diamonds will be back with drawings on Thursdays. Meeting schedules are generally back to normal times although following social distancing norms.”
Mondays: Happy Hour, $.50 off all alcoholic drinks
THURSDAY @ 5:30PM: Last chance to purchase tickets is 5:00pm. Drawings will be held continuously until the King of Diamonds is drawn!! Good Luck!!
Friday Night dinners: 5-8pm
1st Friday of the Month- Pizza
2nd Friday of the Month- Hamburgers
3rd Friday of the Month- Pork Chops
4th Friday of the Month- Fish and Shrimp
Sunday breakfasts until late fall: 8am to noon
These will no longer be buffet style. It will be all you can eat still but it will be served to you. Cost $9 for all you can eat to satisfy your hunger! Where else can you get a deal like this with a fabulous view!!
4th Thursday @ 4:00pm - Executive Board Meeting
1st Thursday @ 5:30pm - Members Auxiliary Meeting
1st Thursday@ 7:00pm - Members American Legion Meeting
2nd Tuesday @ 6:00pm - Members SAL Meeting
Veterans, do you need assistance?** see new information added
- Van Buren County Veterans Affairs: 1007 Wells St., South Haven MI 49080 Phone 269-657-7376 open Tuesdays 8:30am to 4:00pm or 219 Paw Paw St., Paw Paw, MI 49079, Phone 269-657-7376 open Wed & Thurs 8:30 am- 5pm
- US Department of Veteran Affairs: 1-800-827-1000, www.va.gov
- Michigan Department of Veteran Affairs: 1-517-284-5298, https://www.michigan.gov/dmva
- Michigan Veterans Trust Fund: 1-517-284-5299
- Battle Creek VA Medical Center: 1-269-966-5228
- State of Michigan Veterans Help Line: 1-800-455-5228
- Buddy to Buddy: Veterans helping Veterans: 1-888-822-8339
- **Vet Center, 2050 Breton, Grand Rapids, MI, Tel# 616-285-5795 Welcome Home Vets! “Dedicated to serving those who have served” Readjusting Counseling Service
- Veterans and families may retrieve their military records at http://vetrecs.archives.gov
- DrugRehab.com, a free web resource that provides information and support to people fighting substance abuse and addiction.
www.drugrehab.com/addiction/veterans/ or www.drugrehab.com/addiction/alcohol/
If you would like to be removed from the Post 49 Event Update group send, please respond to this e-mail and ask to be removed, only for purposes of removal, all other inquiries should be sent to SouthHavenAmericanLegion@gmail.com
Stayed tuned to 103.7 Cozy FM for event announcements (local home town news). Also, enjoy 97.5 Y-Country
Visit our Website site for additional information about Post 49: http://www.legionpost49mi.org Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americanlegionpost49mi/ MAKE SURE YOU CLICK TO ENABLE NOTICATIONS FOR UP TO DATE POSTS REGARDING EVENTS AND DINNERS etc.
e-mail at SouthHavenAmericanLegion@gmail.com or contact: Edward W Thompson American Legion Post 49, 129 Michigan Ave., South Haven, MI 49090 or call 269-637-6817