
"Edward W Thompson" Post 49



If you are a Veteran who served in the US Armed Forces during the time periods from 6 April 1917 through 11 November 1918 or after 7 December 1941, were a citizen of the US when entering the service and honorably discharged or separated, or continue to serve honorably during or after that time period, you are eligible.

A copy of the Veteran's DD-214 must be supplied to establish eligibility. To get a copy of your DD-214 go to http://vetrecs.archives.gov.


     Applications are available at the Post or you may copy, fill out the form below and mail it to Adjutant, AMERICAN LEGION POST 49,129 MICHIGAN AVE, SOUTH HAVEN MICH 49090, along with $50 payment and a copy of your DD-214


The American Legion Membership Application pdf 



To transfer your membership to our Post follow these easy steps, Mail or drop off : Copy of your most current American Legion membership card and Copy of your DD-214 or the equivalent service record form but DO NOT send payment. It is also important that you include your current address, phone number and email address. Mail should be sent to Adjutant, American Legion #49, 129 Michigan Ave South Haven MI 49090. The Adjutant will then mail you a transfer form for you to sign and mail back with $50 dues payment unless your current card is valid. DO NOTE SEND CASH. Make check out to American Legion post 49 Memo for dues.