
"Edward W Thompson" Post 49


 EDWARD W. THOMPSON POST 49 AMERICAN LEGION MVGP (Mision,Vision & Guiding Principles) 

& Current Year Initiatives


American Legion Edward W Thompson Post 49 

“An organization that came to play but stayed to work”



Serving veterans, their families, active military and the community.



-Foster relationships between veterans and community members.

-Honor and provide direct support to veterans and their families.

-Create a safe, warm and inviting atmosphere with well maintained legion headquarters and helpful well trained personnel.

-Build membership by welcoming and mentoring new members with a sense of purpose, allowing visibility to and

 utilization of their skills.

-Be known as the “go-to” organization for supporting community projects.

-Operate in unity with the Sons Of The Legion, Auxiliary and related organizations (VFW, Legion Riders, other).

-Build and maintain financial strength to enable our Mission.


                                                                                         Guiding Principles

-Practice open and honest communications.

-Treat all with a sense of justice, fairness, courtesy, and respect. 

-Use parliamentary rules including rule of the majority and right of the minority to ensure doing the right thing in the

  right way at the right time with the least expenditure of time and effort. 

-Practice continuous improvement in all we do.


                                                                         Fiscal Year Initiatives

Build collaboration between Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion and American Legion members to proactively plan our activities and related budget.

-​Provide  $10,000 direct support to veterans and their families.

-Provide $10,000 direct support to community programs, projects.

-Reinvest $40,000 in capital spending to create and maintain warm inviting legion club public spaces.

-Provide $5,000 to celebrate with members and the community.

-Continue to improve club operations to achieve increased customer satisfaction and predictable annual revenue .

-Create relationships that inspire both internal member and external community donations.

-Motivate and be personal examples of giving, volunteering, coaching and mentoring.

-Build Membership by engaging and recruiting others.